The library is automated with digital facilities using the Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), and adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made.
The library is optimally used by the faculty and students Ambrosia Institute of Hotel Management’s library offers computerized catalogue search services through the Vriddhi Web OPAC (online public access catalogue). The bibliographic records consist of books, periodicals, pamphlets, and reports. Thesis and dissertations are available in the library; these can be searched through the Vriddhi software interface. The AIHM Library is spread across an area of 1283 square feet. The faculty members and students of the institution utilize the library for continuous learning and to enhance their knowledge. The library will be equipped with a reading capacity of 24 readers. In print resources, the library has 1305 volumes, 251 titles, and six journals and magazines. It has three newspapers. It also has various other printed references related to allied hotel management subjects. The library offers various services to the users including reprographic (Xerox, printer, scanner.) E-content service, digital library, book bank service, reference service, new arrivals, and provision of newspapers We purchase books as per the recommendations given by students and faculty as well as according to the new syllabus. VRIDDHI membership is offered to every student and faculty member. Using the member's data, the librarian can create an identity card for the member, and the library management software creates a barcode for the member, which will be useful for future transactions. Members are able to access the system by using their unique IDs.
AIHM library is automated with digital facilities and has 13 computers for student and staff usage. The students can search open access data, e-journals, and downloaded books. The library is fully supportive of the students and staff who wish to review articles, documents, journals, research papers, or other digital resources for use as reference content. The library is open to students for making presentations, reports, or any other study-related materials. We also took the initiative to distribute books to the students with reference to their core subjects. The AIHM website library is well equipped with open-access database links for students and staff members to register and surf the information required for their studies.